General Consultation

  • How is your physique ?
  • How is your appetite ?
  • Do you have constipation ?
  • Type of food that you eat.
  • Do you consume tobacco in any form ?
  • Are you addicted to any other intoxicant (e.g., liquor/wine etc.) ?
  • Do you take excessive quantity of tea or coffee ?
  • Do you suffer from sleeplessness ?
  • Do you suffer from excessive urination ?
  • Do you feel any irritation or burning sensation while passing urine ?
  • Do you feel palpitation of heart or pain in chest or breathlessness during physical exercise ?
  • Are you a patient of High Blood Pressure ?*
  • Are you suffering from Diabetes ?*
  • Have you suffered from any disease earlier ?
  • "All fields marked with (*) are mandatory before submission."
Thank you for submitting your form online. We will shortly respond on the e-mail address mentioned.